Audrey joined our family on January 19, 2017 - exactly one month after her older sister turned three. She was born via scheduled repeat c-section, and her birth was relatively uneventful, except that it was, of course, life changing.
My c-section was scheduled for 12pm, and we were instructed to check in at 10am. Around 9am, we brought Emma to my parents' house, where she would be staying for a few days. I gave Emma her last kiss as my only child, she couldn't have cared less because everything is awesome at Grandpa's House, and we were off the the hospital.
A scheduled c-section is a lot of hurry up and wait. There is no emergency (Emma's birth was an emergency c-section), so there is really no rush. Shane and I spent a lot of time in our pre-op room chatting, and I spent a lot of time chattering my teeth nervous for the spinal that was waiting for me in the operating room.
I had been dilated for over three weeks, and had been very anxious about going into labor unexpectedly before my scheduled surgery, so you'll imagine my surprise when the nurses told me I was in labor as they were monitoring me prior to the cesarean. I was glad to know Audrey seemed to agree with us on the date we picked for her to come.
Audrey was born, and the best way I've ever heard a birth described happened again - a new person was in the room without the door even opening. She hardly cried, and actually made an alarming breathing squeaking noise. She was fine, but needed a little bit of extra care before I could meet her. Luckily things didn't take long, and I got my first hug from my second-born quickly.
We spent quite some time in recovery, and then got to move to our postpartum room. We got our baby cuddles on, both of us blissed out (Shane on baby vibes and me on pain meds), and waited anxiously for Emma to arrive with my parents to meet her baby sister.